- Joshua Ray kicks off our new series this AM at Highland, Courage From Above, while I speak to a gathering in CO. #
- Ps. 119 prayer for those preaching/ teaching today: May those who hear you find delight in His commandments (vs. 143). #
- Preparing 2.5 hours of Sunday messages for Colorado Springs; taking the kids to Alice n Wonderland later today. #
- Ok Go's This Too Shall Pass video – unbelievable: http://experimentaltheology.blogspot.com/2010/03/this-too-shall-pass.html #
- Great piece on facing the future faithfully from a man who has done it: RT @timspivey: "Expectancy vs. Worry," at http://www.timspivey.com #
- Evening Prayer: Receive our evening sacrifice of praise in thanksgiving for your countless gifts (based on explorefaith.org). #
- Leadership: seat of the pants or by the book? http://www.philcooke.com/planning_versus_winging #
- Our attempt to reframe personal evangelism in a postmodern era: http://chrisaltrock.com/2010/03/meant-for-more-through-you-eph-111-14/ #
- Looking forward to speaking in Colorado Springs this Sunday at a beautiful franciscan retreat center: http://trunc.it/63xaj #
- Are you solo dancing or pairs dancing today? http://chrisaltrock.com/2010/03/day-14-of-40-folllowing-the-prayer-steps-of-jesus/ #
- Midday Prayer: May all governments be mindful of the rights of all peoples to live in peace and dignity (based on explorefaith.org). #
- Evening Prayer: Be my companion in the way, kindle my heart, and awaken hope (based on explorefaith.org). #
- Spend some time today in the prayer steps of Jesus: http://trunc.it/637vo #
- Just emailed a full proposal to Chalice Press for a new book on the prayers of Jesus. Praying for an open door on the project. #
- Holographic preachers next step for multi-site churches? http://www.outofur.com/archives/2010/03/holy_holograms.html #
- Midday Prayer: Deliver me, when I draw near to you, from coldness of heart and wanderings of mind (based on explorefaith.org). #
- Speaking at "Coffee with Claude" this AM – neighborhood coffee outreach at home of Claude, a Highland member. #
- Morning Prayer: Though it seems there is no one for me, I know, LORD, that today you are for me. http://trunc.it/612k6 #
- Listening to John Ortberg at Lipscomb. http://twitpic.com/168t6p #
- Morning Prayer: LORD, we long to receive your continual refreshment that we might give constant grace to you and to others. #
- Heading to @lipscomb to hear John Ortberg speak on "The Me I Want to Be" #
- I'm speaking this Wednesday 8:30 PM at Rhodes College on the prayers of Jesus. Join me! #
- Evening Prayer: Having done your will with joy during the day, may I, when night comes, give you thanks (based on explorefaith.org). #
- Heading soon to our neighborhood Bible study to reach neighbors near our new facility. Using great material from Let's Start Talking. #
- Midday Prayer: Pour into my heart your greatest gift, which is love(based on explorefaith.org). #
- Spend a moment today in the prayer steps of Jesus: http://chrisaltrock.com/2010/03/day-11-of-40-following-the-prayer-steps-of-jesus/ #
- 20% of leadership is making the right decisions; 80% is communicating those decisions appropriately: http://trunc.it/605qy #
- Morning Prayer: LORD, fulfill your purpose for me (http://chrisaltrock.com/2010/03/prayer-from-psalm-138-living-on-purpose/). #
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