- Ps. 119 prayer for those teaching/ preaching today: May those who hear find that His rules help, not hinder, true living (175). #
- A post you may have missed: Prayer from Psalm… http://chrisaltrock.com/2009/09/prayer-from-psalm-147-world-headlines-you-want-to-read/ #
- Just registered for Saint Jude Half Marathon. One of those gulp-what-did-I-just-do moments. But thankful to support a great organization. #
- Flat Bibles and flat gods: http://bit.ly/aCDVFM #
- Why the Psalms are PG-25 http://amzn.com/k/1I33KAFANWJDG #Kindle #
- At the Men’s Breakfast 7:30 AM Sunday at Highland I’ll be speaking from my forthcoming book on the 10 prayers of Jesus. #
- A post you may have missed: Prayer from Psalm 119:33-40: Teach Me http://chrisaltrock.com/2009/07/prayer-from-psalm-11933-40-teach-me/ #
- Sheridan’s frozen custard run… #
- RT @willmancini: At you tired or programmatic approaches to evangelism? Here’s what to do: http://bit.ly/bn19K3 #
- Today’s prayer: Psalm 46 http://ow.ly/2przp #
- At the Men’s Breakfast 7:30 AM Sunday at Highland I’ll be speaking from my forthcoming book on the 10 prayers of Jesus. #
- Laundry’s going, kids are dropped off at school– time for final prep on 3 messages for Sunday and draft of next in Right Turn series. #
- A post you may have missed: Three Cultural Myths About Pain and Suffering http://is.gd/efLCN #
- Evening Prayer from Psalm 45: This evening, Lord, help this leader to represent you and your mission: __________ ( http://ow.ly/2oyhB) #
- Prayers from the Pit Update: Writing today on what we learn about prayer from Jesus’ “My God, my God, why have your forsaken me?” prayer. #
- Nice Stuff Christians Like post on living your life’s purpose: http://ow.ly/2ozjn #
- Midday Prayer from Psalm 45: This afternoon, Lord, help this leader to represent you and your mission: __________ ( http://ow.ly/2oygA) #
- Very thoughtful and brief article from Brian Mclaren on what it means to do evangelism today: http://ow.ly/2oz1f #
- Morning Prayer from Psalm 45: This morning, Lord, help this leader to represent you and your mission: __________ ( http://ow.ly/2oyba) #
- A post you may have missed: Ten Questions Every Church Needs to Answer (Part 6): The Church & The Sex Question http://is.gd/eeePw #
- Evening Prayer from Psalm 44: Father, do for me this evening what you have done for ___________. http://ow.ly/2o0Kw #
- 5 People You Meet in Any Small Group: http://ow.ly/2o1cw #
- Are words necessary to make art etc. “Christian”? http://experimentaltheology.blogspot.com/2010/08/thoughts-on-christian-art.html #
- Tim Woodroof has completed a great series on trust among church leaders: http://trunc.it/ab455 #
- Midday Prayer from Psalm 44: Father, do for me this afternoon what you have done for ___________. http://ow.ly/2o0JP #
- Morning Prayer from Psalm 44: Father, do for me this morning what you have done for ___________. http://ow.ly/2o0Ir #
- A post you may have missed: Learning to Pray His Way #5 Jesus Prayed http://is.gd/ecI2B #
- What’s wrong with the world? http://amzn.com/k/HI2HGZKOIW23 #Kindle #
- Evening Prayer from Psalm 43: This evening, Lord, in a moment of silence, I realized this about you… http://ow.ly/2nqUK #
- Soccer practice with 8-9 year olds in 109 (heat index) degree temp. Thinking of becoming ice cream salesman. #
- Phyllis Tickle says you should read these books on church and culture: http://ow.ly/2nr7U #
- Scot McKnight and others on the meaning of “image of God”: http://ow.ly/2nr33 #
- Midday Prayer from Psalm 43: This afternoon, Lord, in a moment of silence, I realized this about you… http://ow.ly/2nqU9 #
- via @SaraGBarton: Praying with Art – Visio Divina: http://bit.ly/aa0lnv via @addthis #
- (@stangranberg)The Stan Granberg Daily is out http://paper.li/stangranberg – featuring @chrisaltrock @PlywoodPeople @socialedge @jadcox #
- Morning Prayer from Psalm 43: This morning, Lord, in a moment of silence, I realized this about you… http://ow.ly/2nqT5 #
- A post you may have missed: Advent 1 http://is.gd/eb9nQ #
- Evening Prayer (Ps. 42): This evening, Lord, I have hope because___________. http://ow.ly/2mRkc #
- The Gethsemane prayer is the only prayer in which Jesus addresses God as “Abba.” This intimacy gave rise to Gethsemane’s honesty. #
- Our communication with God is cautious, controlled, disciplined, and relentlessly boring. (Mark Roberts) #
- Midday Prayer (Ps. 42): This afternoon, Lord, I have hope because___________. http://ow.ly/2mRjc #
- The power of strategically small churches: http://ow.ly/2mRtu #
- Morning Prayer (Ps. 42): This morning, Lord, I have hope because___________. http://ow.ly/2mRhy #
- A post you may have missed: Courage From Above: The Hope of Heaven as Holy Expectation (2 Cor. 5:1-4) http://is.gd/e9JtE #
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