- This morning’s message to a church family that’s suffered 5 funerals and a life-threatening accident in 3 weeks: http://ow.ly/2jugh #
- From @chrisseidman: Jesus died at Gethsemane before He died at Golgatha. #
- Leslie Jerkins provides this lovely and helpful piece as we remember Liz LaVelle: http://www.lesliejerkins.com/2010/07/loss.html #
- A post you may have missed: Prayer from Psalm 45: A Prayer for Leaders http://is.gd/dVZTr #
- Liz LaVelle’s service was a stunning testimony to a life remarkably well-lived and a God remarkably well-loved. #
- Gibson’s donut run… #
- A post you may have missed: Prayer from Psalm 58: Power Down http://is.gd/dUg5J #
- For those hurting in the wake of Liz LaVelle’s death and the other tragedies in the Highland family, here’s help: http://ow.ly/2iNlM #
- RT @craiggroeschel: We r faith-filled, big thinking, bet-the-farm risk takers. We’ll never insult God with small thinking and safe living. #
- For those hurting in the wake of Liz LaVelle’s death and the other tragedies in the Highland family, here’s help: http://ow.ly/2iNkO #
- For those hurting in the wake of Liz LaVelle’s death and the other tragedies in the Highland family, here’s help: http://ow.ly/2iNiy #
- A post you may have missed: Ten Creative Ways to Connect with Christ (2): Celebration http://is.gd/dSbTb #
- Liz LaVelle visitation 2 PM, service 4 PM at Harding Academy Memphis on Saturday. #
- The power of God: Liz’s mother Jenny upon learning of Liz’s death asked us to pray for the driver of the truck involved in the accident. #
- RT @scotmcknight: Twitter discipleship: http://ow.ly/2irHY #
- Pray at 10 AM today as the LaVelle’s have a family meeting to discuss wishes/desires regarding Liz’s memorial service. #
- Thankful for the way in which the Body truly becomes the Body in times of tragedy. #
- A post you may have missed: Prayer from Psalm 113: The High Low God http://is.gd/dQ02A #
- Home after 6 hours with family of Liz LaVelle who died in accident on way to Lipscomb U for Sophomore year. Few answers. But God’s here. #
- Evening Prayer: This evening LORD I will stop trembling about __________ and start trusting in you. http://ow.ly/2hFx1 #
- Only the intimacy of Jesus’ relationship with God as “Abba, Father” made possible the intensity of his request from God “Remove this cup!” #
- Brief review on new book about making small groups missional: http://ow.ly/2hFNb #
- Midday Prayer: This afternoon LORD I will stop trembling about __________ and start trusting in you. http://ow.ly/2hFwr #
- Regarding our relunctance to lament: “We have thought that acknowledgment of negativity was somehow an act of unfaith.” Walter Brueggemann. #
- How to find God at work, at home, and at school: http://ow.ly/2hFCN #
- Morning Prayer: This morning LORD I will stop trembling about __________ and start trusting in you. http://ow.ly/2hFuJ #
- A post you may have missed: Prayer from Psalm 8: Majestic God http://is.gd/dNIe3 #
- Evening Prayer: Father, you are as different from the problem-people in my life as _____ is different from _______. http://ow.ly/2h6RU #
- What IS the difference between being religious and following Jesus? MSS of my sermons to-date on this question: http://ow.ly/2h7qZ #
- Midday Prayer: Father, you are as different from the problem-people in my life as _____ is different from _______. http://ow.ly/2h6Rb #
- Some help with practicing the presence: http://ow.ly/2hfxx #
- Morning Prayer: Father, you are as different from the problem-people in my life as _____ is different from _______. http://ow.ly/2h6PF #
- A post you may have missed: The Popular in Pop Culture http://is.gd/dLnMD #
- Evening Prayer: This evening Lord let vengeance be yours in my relationship with ______. http://ow.ly/2gvQ1 #
- John Maxwell on the power of a small note of encouragement: http://ow.ly/2gxl1 #
- Do you pray inside out? http://ow.ly/2gwyW #
- Midday Prayer: This afternoon Lord let vengeance be yours in my relationship with ______. http://ow.ly/2gvPs #
- Our “Mission Monday” elementary-aged children just brought by warm, fresh-baked cookies. Time to check off “gluttony” from the task list. #
- How Christian virtue is different: http://ow.ly/2gw0k #
- Good article by @JimMartin on Strenthening the Soul http://godhungry.org/2010/07/26/strenthening-the-soul/ #
- Morning Prayer: This morning Lord let vengeance be yours in my relationship with ______. http://ow.ly/2gvNJ #
- A post you may have missed: Evaluating Evaluations http://is.gd/dIJ77 #
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