- Dr. John Mark Hicks speaks today at Highland (10:15 AM) from his book “A Gathered People.” #
- A post you may have missed: “Rebuilding Relationships” Now Available on Kindle http://is.gd/cEqCe #
- A post you may have missed: The Revolution #3 Spinning from Telling to Showing http://is.gd/cDg0D #
- Dr. Steven Moore (ACU) just gave the most painful personal testimony of what it feels like to be a black man I’ve ever heard. #LUCSC #
- Todd Brenneman: Evangelicals are no longer defined by doctrine but by sentimentality as evidenced by their books and worship music. #LUCSC #
- Abraham Malherbe-how did Everett Ferguson accomplish so much? “It was his inability to waste time.” #LUCSC #
- Tom Olbricht calls Ron Highfield’s book (Great is the Lord) the most significant book on God in the Restoration mvmnt. #LUCSC #
- Top issues in C of C (2): Strain around economic status, shame about past, discomfort with God language/ practices P. Keifert, #LUCSC #
- Top issues in C of C (1): Staff/ elder conflict, poor pastoral care, biblical illiteracy… Patrick Keifert, Luther Seminary #LUCSC #
- I personally believe you (C of C) would be fools to give up your acappella heritage. Patrick Keifert, Luther Seminary #LUCSC #
- Heading to Christian Scholars Conference @ Lipscomb U in Nashville. #CSC #
- A post you may have missed: Prayer from Psalm 42 http://is.gd/cBX2A #
- Just opened letter to “Senior Pastor”: “I have been called by God. I would like to preach at your church.” Should I take Sunday off? #
- RT @johnortberg: Deep in our hearts we already know that success, fame, power & money do not give us the inner peace & joy we crave. Nouwen #
- Morning Prayer: You delivered me from the dogs, lifted me from the lions, and beat back those bulls. Thank you LORD! http://ow.ly/1TAy6 #
- A post you may have missed: Shouting Preachers? http://is.gd/cABR5 #
- 7 golden reasons why no ministry is more important than children’s ministry: http://ow.ly/1Tkis #
- Morning Prayer: My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? http://ow.ly/1SZJj #
- I hope those of you attending the Christian Scholar’s Conference in Nashville will join me in tweeting your experiences. I’ll use #CSC #
- A post you may have missed: Day 38 of 40 Following the Prayer Steps of Jesus http://is.gd/czb4d #
- Mark Galli’s stirring/stunning blessings and woes of the Gulf oil spill: http://trunc.it/8f480 #
- Highland threw a Memorial Day BBQ for our new neighborhood–and the neighbors came, by the droves. What a blessing the day was! #
- Midday Prayer: Hear me, not as I ask in ignorance, nor as I deserve in sinfulness, but as you know and love me (based on explorefaith.org). #
- RT @RunMichael: “Not forgiving is like drinking rat poison and then waiting for the rat to die.” Anne Lamott #
- Morning Prayer: Take from me those thoughts, actions and objects that are hurtful (based on explorefaith.org). #
- A post you may have missed: The Revolution #4 Spinning from Programs to Nets http://is.gd/cxHAn #
- Do you tatoo? http://ow.ly/1S1cA #
- Why did Jesus and religion rough and tumble when it came to the calling and cuisine of Levi?… #
- John Mark Hicks speaks to Highland leaders on 6/5 and to Highland on 6/6. Here, Scot McKnight reviews Hicks: http://ow.ly/1S183 #
- RT @joshgraves: http://tinyurl.com/2998mrb yesterday’s teaching at OC–the difference between patriotism and nationalism. #
- Are You This Person? RT @JimMartin: The One Quality that Makes Some People so Likable http://bit.ly/cyer2K #
- A post you may have missed: New York Report 4 http://is.gd/cwrWI #
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i am looking for an organic rat poison coz i do not want to use synthetic ones,:,
rat poisons are chemical based that is also dangerous to your pets;’,
sometimes rat poisons are never effective against rats so i use a mousetrap instead “
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