- Great Easter service with Highland family. Now celebrating Easter with the animals in Memphis zoo. #
- Prayer for those preaching/teaching today: Through you may His Word bring new life and new beginnings. #
- Highland's Easter Egg Extravaganza this morning at 10:30 AM – can't wait to meet neighbors and guests at this great annual event. #
- Today is my spiritual birthday. I give thanks for a high school senior named Gary who reached out to unchurched and unChristian me. #
- Morning Prayer: May Jesus alone be my prayer standard. http://trunc.it/6r3x2 #
- Just heard from my publisher that they'll be considering my proposed book on Jesus' prayers tomorrow. Would appreciate your prayers. #
- Your work is a primary place—maybe the primary place—where your calling gets lived out. (Ortberg – Me I Want to Be) #
- Morning Prayer: May you, through us, bless our foes, the forgotten, our families, and fellow-laborers. http://trunc.it/6ucl2 #
- Evening Prayer: Grant all your people the gift of your Spirit, that we may know Christ and make him known (based on explorefaith.org). #
- What happens after death but before the resurrection? http://trunc.it/6s4yz #
- Final session of Neighborhood Bible Study. Cultivated some great new friendships. Praying now for the seeds to grow. #
- RT @willmancini: Stop Fighting Fires: A New Approach http://bit.ly/di0p9E #
- Morning Prayer: You, LORD, are the source of the resources and relationships I need today. http://trunc.it/6pxml #
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