- Ps. 119 prayer for those teaching/ preaching today: Though trouble or anguish may be theirs, may the Word bring delight to your listeners. #
- Jesus' last prayer was one of blessing. How has God answered that prayer? http://trunc.it/6q8r4 #
- Jesus #
- Morning Prayer: May my pain not cease until you are finished with it: http://trunc.it/6o0av #
- Evening Prayer: As evening falls remain with us, remember our good deeds and forgive our failings. (based on explorefaith.org). #
- RT @johncmaxwell: Some singers want the audience 2 luv them. I luv the audience. -Luciano Pavarotti, a connector from the opera stage. #ECFC #
- Are you in good hands? http://trunc.it/6kr1h #
- In postmodernity, saying "I believe Jesus is Lord," is no different than saying, "I believe TN is pretty." (26): http://trunc.it/6oizo #
- Morning Prayer: Into your hands I entrust this day: (http://trunc.it/6p84s) #
- Evening Prayer:Watch over us as we sleep, that awake we may watch with Christ, and asleep, rest in his peace (based on explorefaith.org). #
- 81% of inmates return to prison after release. http://www.whyhopeworks.org is trying to change this. #
- Back from morning with inmates at Whiteville, TN. Felt God @ work. Ironically, was pulled over by a cop on the way there. #
- No matter how miniscule, if it is one of your greatest needs, it is one of your Father’s greatest concerns: http://trunc.it/6mp7b #
- Speaking today on the prayers of Jesus at a prison in Whiteville TN with http://www.whyhopeworks.org. #
- Evening Prayer: Receive my evening sacrifice of praise in thanksgiving for your countless gifts (based on explorefaith.org). #
- Is it OK to accuse God? http://chrisaltrock.com/2010/03/day-30-of-40-following-the-prayer-steps-of-jesus/ #
- Midday Prayer: Lord, as you know the weaknesses of each of us, let each one find you mighty to save (based on explorefaith.org). #
- Can you help lighten the load of the ten frustrations your church leaders may be experiencing? http://trunc.it/6kykr #
- Morning Prayer: Your creation, LORD, leads me to contemplate your majesty (http://chrisaltrock.com/2010/03/prayer-from-psalm-8/) #
- Headed to neighborhood Bible study. We are using the Sycamore Series by http://www.LST.org. #
- Evening Prayer: Stay, O Lord, with those who wake, or watch, or weep tonight (based on explorefaith.org). #
- Midday Prayer: If I am hungry, take away from me all complaint. If I have plenty, destroy pride in me (based on explorefaith.org). #
- 3 reasons to start/stop tweeting: http://www.outofur.com/archives/2010/03/to_tweet_or_not.html #
- Day of Wrath – a prayer from Psalm 7 (http://chrisaltrock.com/2010/03/prayer-from-psalm-7-the-day-of-wrath/) #
- Morning Prayer: Father, forgive them for they know not what they do – http://trunc.it/6kamd #
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