- Morning Office: Preserve me with your mighty power, that I may not fall into sin, nor be overcome by adversity (adpted fr explorefaith.org). #
- Evening Office: God, as evening falls remain with us. Remember our good deeds and forgive our failings (adapted fr explorefaith.org). #
- Video venues, multi-sites, and a call to end it all: http://bit.ly/4j9Ack #
- Working on preaching class for my students at Oklahoma Christian University. #
- Some thoughts on Christian Sabbath – RT @scotmcknight: For the NIghtline series, I posted on Christian Sabbath: http://bit.ly/2aZL5J #
- Speaking at chapel at Harding Grad School this AM on 3 Spiritual Practices of Christian Community in a Postmodern Culture. #
- Evening Office: Almighty God, accept the prayers of your people everywhere and strengthen us to do your will (adapted fr explorefaith.org). #
- Midday Office: Let us bless the Lord! Let us render him praise, glory, honor, and all good things! (adapted from explorefaith.org). #
- Friends – please let me know if you continue to get messages from me with links that do not appear to be from me. Password is now changed. #
- Friends – my twitter account was hacked and you may have received tweets from me that were of questionable nature. Please disregard. #
- Meeting with JUMP this AM (Joint Urban Ministry Partners = 1 university, 3 social service agencies, 3 churches parntering for the poor). #
- Evng Office: Protect me while awake, watch me in sleep, so awake I may watch with Xst, and asleep rest in Xst (adptd fr explorefaith.org). #
- Midday Office: God, bless the work we have begun and let us finish it in a way that pleases you (adapted fr explorefaith.org). #
- Morning Office: Preserve me with your mighty power that I may not fall into sin nor be overcome by adversity (adapted fr explorefaith.org). #
- Midday Office:Thank you for the examples of your servants, who having finished their course, rest in you (adapted from explorefaith.org). #
- Finished first staff/ elder meeting in soon to be finished new facility–humbling and exciting. #
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