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The First Priority (40 Days With Jesus: Day 9)



This post is part of a 40-day journey following Jesus in his prayer life.  We’ll explore virtually every reference in the Gospels to Jesus and prayer.  For a more in-depth treatment, see my book Prayers from the Pit.


”But now even more the report about him went abroad, and great crowds gathered to hear him and to be healed of their infirmities. Buthe would withdraw to desolate places and pray” (Lk. 5:15-16 ESV).

Success.  Busyness.  Tyranny of the Urgent.  All three hit Jesus.

  • Success: “even more the report about him went abroad…”  Jesus’ name becomes known in every kitchen and within every crowd.
  • Busyness: “great crowds gathered to hear him and to be healed…”  The stack of appointments and the lists of to-do’s exceeds the hours of the day.
  • Tyranny of the Urgent: Around every corner and with every step there’s another person in crisis crying for restoration right here and right now.

Yet what does Jesus do?  “But he would withdraw to desolate places and pray.”   Luke’s language indicates this was a habit.  Regularly, great crowds gathered around Jesus.  And regularly, Jesus stepped away from the paparazzi, the packed waiting room, and the predicaments in order to pray.

Why?  Jesus realized he could not have the one—momentous ministry—without the other—private prayer.  The former grew out of the latter.

Which is keeping you from prayer: Success?  Busyness?  Tyranny of the Urgent?  Walk away from it today, and every day for the remainder of these 40 days.  Every day for these 40 days spend time in prayer.  Trust that God will still be at work even when it seems you are not.  Believe that your need for prayer is more urgent than anything else today.  Believe that momentous ministry must be rooted in private prayer.