Reading/ listening to Scripture is fundamental to experiencing God and growing spiritually. Ideally, we need opportunities to read deeply and to read widely. We need time to dive into a small piece of Scripture and we need moments where we are exposed to large sections of Scripture.
In about ten minutes a day, here’s a strategy for reading deeply. It’s called Lectio Divina, or divine reading. This exercise forces you to slow down and listen for God’s word for you from a bite-sized portion of Scripture. The first thing I do each morning is spend 10-15 minutes in this habit. It consists of four steps.
Read. I read the short text slow, usually out loud, 3-6 times. Sometimes I’ll read 2 translations. As I read, I’m listening for a word or phrase that catches my attention.
Reflect. Now that I have a word or phrase that catches my attention, I reflect on it. What is it about my life which needs that word or phrase? Why did God put that word or phrase on my heart today? What does that word or phrase mean for my life today? Here’s where I usually do a little journaling.
Respond. I take a few moments to pray to God about what I’ve heard. Since God has spoken to me through his word, I speak now to God. If his word has convicted me of sin, I pray for forgiveness. If his word has encouraged me, I thank him.
Rest. Before leaving this holy time, I spend a minute or two in silence. I just rest in the presence of God. He’s spoken. I’ve spoken. Now I just relax, take some deep breaths, and am present with God.
If you’ll practice Lectio Divina at least ten minutes each day, you’ll find a great deal of inward transformation. You’ll experience a new closeness with God.