Ten minutes. I’ve never found a person so busy he/she couldn’t spare ten minutes. Even the most hurried and hectic can find ten minutes during a day. It’s the time it takes to make a couple of phone calls, answer a handful of emails, or read through the most recent Facebook or Twitter updates. But it’s also the the time it takes to move more deeply into God.
In this series we are exploring some spiritual habits which do not require a great deal of time but which do offer a great deal of transformation. Practiced together and over time, these habits have the potential to lead you into a more fulfilling life with God.
During 2010, I prayed through Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount (Matt. 5-7) on a daily basis. Eventually, I rewrote this famous message in my own words. I’ve included my version below. During 2011, my goal is to pray this prayer at least weekly.
I’ve found this prayer-time to be illuminating and life-changing. The Sermon on the Mount is our best Teacher at his very best. It offers an inspiring and comprehensive vision of the life we were created to live. Taking ten minutes to pray through the Sermon on the Mount not only instills Jesus’ vision for human life in your heart, it allows you to wrestle with some of the most fundamental and deeply embedded character flaws in your life.
Enable me to show favor to the poor in spirit who have no one but you in their corner, the mournful so weary of the wrong in the world, the meek and the missing out, and those who are hungering and thirsting for the world to be made right.
Empower me to show mercy, to practice a faith that is not merely external and superficial, to pursue your peace for all people, and to be willing to pay the price to do what’s right by others and by you.
Energize me that I might do the good deeds that act as salt and light.
In my relationship with others make me the one who does not harbor anger but seeks reconciliation, pays any price to think and act without lust, does not divorce but is faithful, does not deceive but lets my ‘yes’ mean ‘yes,’ and does not respond to evil with violence but with love.
In my relationship with you assist me that I might give to the poor, pray, and fast for your sake and not mine; and that I might pray for your kingdom to come instead of for my will to be done.
In my relationship with money help me to not be miserly and serve Money but to be generous and serve you; help me not worry but trust in your caring provision and kingdom purpose.
May I pursue the strengthening of my own weaknesses rather than pointing out the weaknesses of others.
May I trust in a God who knows how to give good gifts.
May I do to others what I would have them do to me.
Let my path not be the crowded one but the little-traveled one.
Let me not listen to others because of the fruit on their resumes but because of the fruit in their character.
Let me not aspire to the claim of sensational spirituality but to the claim of simple obedience.
Transform me so that I do not merely listen to these words but do live them out.