Prayer from Psalm 139: Ever Present
You were with me the day Mom exclaimed, “I’m pregnant!” You’ve been with me every day since. When I sit, you sit with me. When I walk, you walk with me. You know what I’m going… Prayer from Psalm 139: Ever Present
You were with me the day Mom exclaimed, “I’m pregnant!” You’ve been with me every day since. When I sit, you sit with me. When I walk, you walk with me. You know what I’m going… Prayer from Psalm 139: Ever Present
Sometimes, Lord, I am expected to sing praises. But all I can manage are the blues. I am expected to forgive. But all I want is revenge. I am expected to bloom where I’m planted.… Prayer from Psalm 137: Expectations
Author John Ortberg presents the following scenarios:[1]
“At a tollbooth, the driver of the car in front of you is having an extended conversation with the tollbooth operator. You…
You have been sitting in the waiting room of your doctor’s office for an hour. You…
Living By the Prayer Jesus Died By: A Prayer of Our Praise (Ps. 31:19-24)
Lord, every individual has her own idol. Every citizen has his own supreme being. Everyone says it doesn’t matter who you worship–just worship sincerely. But this pluralism is problematic, because there is no god like… Prayer from Psalm 135: A Better God