At the beginning of March a Chinese couple in Memphis received bad news. It appeared that the wife had cancer. The couple, Pu Quingwah and her husband Zhou Jingran, attend Highland. Both are medical doctors. Both are involved in medical research. Both know how to interpret medical data. And there seemed to be no mistaking this data. Pu had lab reports and scans which led her and her husband and her doctors to suspect the worst. One Monday night doctors operated on Pu to examine the expected cancer in her lung. Zhou waited anxiously in the waiting area. Then the doctor came out to speak to Zhou. With amazement he said they couldn’t find the cancer. The cancer which the tests appeared to indicate was nowhere to be found. Pu and Zhou and others had been praying for this very thing. It was indeed a miracle.
Mighty to Save: Part 1 (Ex. 15:1-20)