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When 9 = 400

Last Sunday the Highland congregation graciously and sacrificially gave $153,000 for World and Urban missions.  The goal was $148,000.  In the midst of a difficult economy, at a time of the year when our congregation has already… When 9 = 400

Acts 4 in Memphis

My friend Josh Ross preaches for the Sycamore View Church of Christ in Memphis.  Last Sunday he preached from Acts 4 and challenged the church to ensure there were no needy persons among them.  You’ll… Acts 4 in Memphis

A Do-Not-Steal Prayer

[Martin Luther is known to have prayed regularly through each of the Ten Commandments.  He did so by 1) contemplating the commandment’s teaching, 2) considering how the commandment might lead to thanksgiving, 3) recognizing how the commandment would lead to confession, and 4) praying for empowerment to live out the commandment.  In that same spirit, I’ve written a prayer below which reflects on the Eighth Commandment–do not steal (Ex. 20:15)]

You are the LORD my God.  You brought my ancestors out of Egypt out of the land of slavery.  You have brought me out of my own Egypt, out of other kinds of slavery.

 A Do-Not-Steal Prayer