Simplify: A Word from the Summit About Cutting the Chaos and Complication of Life

Simplify: A Word from the Summit About Cutting the Chaos and Complication of Life
Simplify: A Word from the Summit About Cutting the Chaos and Complication of Life
The movie “Daddy Day Camp” tells of two dads named Charlie and Phil who take over a summer day-camp for young children. Armed with no knowledge of the outdoors and a dilapidated day-camp facility, the dads soon realize they’ve taken on more than they can handle. Just the beginning moments of camp are chaotic: Simplify: A Word from the Steeple About Cutting the Chaos and Complication of Life
Fast Company reports: “Brand expert Martin Lindstrom conducted a 3 year, 7 million dollar study comparing brain scans of the religious to those with high brand loyalty. Lindstrom discovered that the scans of people loyal… iWorship My iPhone: Brand Name Religion
Today is the 35th day of Lent, a 40 day season of spiritual reflection, repentance, and renewal. During these 40 days we’ll explore the prayer life of Jesus, walking chronologically through every mention of Jesus’ prayer… Day 35 of 40 Following the Prayer Steps of Jesus