Winners & Losers: Becoming One (Rev. 7:9-17) Chris Altrock – Aug. 7, 2016

August is my work anniversary month. In August 1998 I started preaching at Highland. This month I celebrate 18 years of preaching at Highland.
And somewhere along the way I got the reputation of giving away the ending of movies. Now, to be fair, there was a time when I probably used movies as sermon illustrations more than I do now. But the reputation I’ve gained as one who gives away the ending of the latest movies is probably not fair. Every time I mention a movie in a sermon now, I see some of you cringe, as if I’m going to reveal some plot twist that will ruin your chance to pay $30 to go see the movie at the theatre this weekend. I’ll admit, I’ve given away some plot twists. But not that many. And, even when I did, it turns out that I was actually doing you a favor.Winners & Losers: Becoming One (Rev. 7:9-17) Chris Altrock – Aug. 7, 2016