The True You: Glory (Rom. 3:21-26) Chris Altrock – 7/8/18

In June of this year Chadwick Boseman won the MTV Movie Award for Best Hero. You may not know about the MTV Movie Awards. You may not know who Chadwick Boseman is. He plays the Black Panther. His first movie as the Black Panther was phenomenally successful. It is one of just over 30 movies to pull in over $1 billion.
The interesting thing is that when Boseman was given this award, he was grateful for it, but he immediately gave it away to someone else. In the audience that night was James Shaw Jr. Shaw had been in a Waffle House restaurant in Antioch, TN when a man shot four people dead. Shaw risked his life to stop the man from shooting more. Boseman invited Shaw to the stage at the MTV Movie Awards and gave the Best Hero award to him. He said, “It’s one thing to play a hero in a movie. It’s another to be a hero in real life.”