Prayer from Psalm 42: Have Hope
God, my soul is sad. My heart is hopeless. I’m frowning within and without. But I know the cure. The crack in my heart can be mended by you. The thirst in my throat can be quenched by… Prayer from Psalm 42: Have Hope
God, my soul is sad. My heart is hopeless. I’m frowning within and without. But I know the cure. The crack in my heart can be mended by you. The thirst in my throat can be quenched by… Prayer from Psalm 42: Have Hope
Lord, I get so anxious. I get so frustrated. There is no end to the criminals and their crime, the tyrants and their tyranny. But today, in your presence, I see that there is an end. They have… Prayer from Psalm 37: The End
Lord, I live in the midst of great contrast. On one side there are the problem-people. On the other side there is you. I’ve measured their love. It’s as tall as shag carpet. But yours reaches to the stars. I’ve… Prayer from Psalm 36: You Are Different
Quick–without giving it more than two seconds of thought, name one thing you are thankful for. Finish this sentence: “God, I’m grateful for_____.” Chances are you filled in the blank with something author Chuck Colson… Moving Beyond Natural Gratitude