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Toxic: The Poison of Inactivity (Jas. 1:19-27) Chris Altrock, April 29, Sunday Morning Message

George Zimmerman shoots down Treyvon Martin.  Regardless of your take on the shooting, it’s a tragic situation.  It points to the brokenness of our world.  Syrian forces pillage villages and execute hundreds of their own citizens.  Rarely have we seen such suffering in our world.  As many as a dozen tornados rip through the Dallas/ Fort Worth area destroying homes and businesses.  It is a reminder of the chaos in our world.Toxic: The Poison of Inactivity (Jas. 1:19-27) Chris Altrock, April 29, Sunday Morning Message

Finding Our Ears

Longing to Listen A former member of our congregation stopped by our church office recently.  “What’s going on?” I asked her.  “Well,” she said, “I finally retired.  But now I’m not sure what to do. … Finding Our Ears