Binding Your Isaac, Finding Your Lamb
When he was 29, Rembrandt painted a scene from the first book of the Bible. It was the same year his first son was born. And the same year that same son died. Perhaps… Binding Your Isaac, Finding Your Lamb
When he was 29, Rembrandt painted a scene from the first book of the Bible. It was the same year his first son was born. And the same year that same son died. Perhaps… Binding Your Isaac, Finding Your Lamb
The officials dug into his past. They interviewed witnesses. They combed through files. And the went public with what they found. It’s a scenario played out often today. Religious and secular leaders are often… The Certainty of Suffering (30 Days of Mostly Silence-Day 25)
There is a character in one of my favorite movies who possesses a keen sense of identity. In “The Princess Bride,” Inigo Montoya is a tortured man bent on avenging the murder of his… Hello, My Name Is…Identity, Suffering and the Cross (30 Days of Mostly Silence-Day 24)
Ignatius uses three metaphors to describe how Satan acts in our lives: At times Satan behaves like a spoiled child. Think Veruca Salt of Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. Veruca was spoiled rotten.… Three Faces of Satan (30 Days of Mostly Silence-Day 19)