Prayer from Psalm 123: Watching You
I’m watching you, Lord. My eyes are fixed on your hands. The way a child looks to the hands of her father. The way an athlete looks to the hands of his coach. The way… Prayer from Psalm 123: Watching You
I’m watching you, Lord. My eyes are fixed on your hands. The way a child looks to the hands of her father. The way an athlete looks to the hands of his coach. The way… Prayer from Psalm 123: Watching You
I’m hungry, Lord. Starving for your statutes. Drooling for your decrees. I can’t wait any longer. My soul craves your Scripture more than my lungs long for air. So pile my plate with your Word.… Prayer from Psalm 119:129-135: Word Hungry
Lord, I was suffering. I was no longer singing. There was no hymn in my heart. There were no lyrics on my lips. I was mad because I was mistreated. Those mean people made off with… Prayer from Psalm 119:49-56: Song to My Lips
Marjorie Thompson proposes that genuine confession can be contrasted with counterfeit confession in two primary ways: [i] Genuine Confession Counterfeit Confession Focus God Failures Result Humility Anxiety or Pride The problem with counterfeit confession is… The Wrong Way to Admit Wrongs