Thursday’s Passion: Following a Servant with Dirty Feet (Jn. 13:1-38)
Take a look at the man in this photo. Can you tell me who this is? His name is Steve Jobs. Can you tell me who he works for? He works for Apple. Jobs is the CEO of Apple, Inc. Apple is one those companies that has a widely recognized figurehead. In a book called Branding Faith author Phil Cooke writes about these kinds of organizations. Cooke calls them “personality driven.” That’s not a criticism. It is merely a description of groups whose existence and health are directly tied to a person, to a personality. Cooke writes that being a personality driven group is good and bad. For example, the direct link between Apple, Inc. and Steve Jobs is good. Jobs gives the company a personal face. He gives the company an appealing image. But, when Jobs’ health recently started failing, so did stock in Apple. The fate of Apple Inc. is wrapped up in this one man.
Thursday’s Passion: Following a Servant with Dirty Feet (Jn. 13:1-38)