Annie Dillard is a popular U. S. author.[i] When Dillard was a teen she attended church services regularly. But one day she quit. She couldn’t stand the hypocrisy of some of the church members who came on Sunday mornings just to show off their clothes. So that morning, Dillard met with the assistant minister to officially quit church. Dillard recalls, “He heard me out and then said, ‘You’re right, honey, there is a lot of hypocrisy.’” Then he handed Dillard some books by C.S. Lewis, a respected author who wrote thoughtfully about Jesus and the Christian faith. The minister asked Dillard to read Lewis’ books, explaining, “This is rather early of you to be quitting the church. I suppose you’ll be back soon.” He was right. After Dillard plowed through four of the C. S. Lewis volumes, she returned. Her rebellion lasted just one month.
Irreligious: Forsaking Religion and Finding Jesus’ Authority (Mk. 11:27-33) Chris Altrock – July 18, 2010