Prayer from Psalm 32: Admission
Lord, I crossed a line I never thought I would. I made a choice I never thought I could. I messed up–big time. Then, regretful and remorseful, I hid my crime. I determined to… Prayer from Psalm 32: Admission
Lord, I crossed a line I never thought I would. I made a choice I never thought I could. I messed up–big time. Then, regretful and remorseful, I hid my crime. I determined to… Prayer from Psalm 32: Admission
Do you sometimes feel like your prayer-life is in a rut? What causes this experience? For many of us, the rut comes when we do the same thing over and over. Many of us tend to… Formation Prayer
I’ve suffered the blows of barbaric people. I’ve witnessed the wickedness of others. And now I feel weak. Faint. Fatigued. But on my knees I cried to you. And you answered. All that was wrong you… Prayer from Psalm 28: Stronger
I’m trying, Lord. I’m trying to do what’s right… to believe and not doubt… to fill my mind with you… to not be influenced by the crowd… to praise you. I don’t always succeed. I… Prayer from Psalm 26: Trying