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Meant for More Than Sitting in the Stands (Eph. 4:7-12, 14-16)

Chris Altrock – February 21, 2010


A recent book includes two studies on why people choose a church.[i]  When people who don’t normally attend a church start attending and then are asked why they started attending, they give these four answers: they like the preaching, they agree with the church’s doctrines, the church members are friendly, or a church member witnessed to them.  When people who do normally attend church services are asked why they attend, they give these four answers: they agree with the church’s doctrines, they see how church members care for each other, they like the preaching, or the church members are friendly to them.


Meant for More Than Sitting in the Stands (Eph. 4:7-12, 14-16)