Reframing the Prominence of Marriage in the Modern Family (Eph. 5:22-33) Chris Altrock, May 20, Sunday Morning Message

Twenty-nine year old Andrew Bowen and his wife Heather were unexpectedly expecting in 2008.[1] They already had two girls and thought their family was complete. But Heather’s tubal ligation failed and she became pregnant. They called this surprise their “miracle baby.” Soon, however, doctors discovered a tragic complication. Ultimately, the baby died. Andrew and Heather were devastated. Heather went into a deep depression. Andrew plunged into what he called a “two-year stint of just seething hatred toward God.” How could God do this? What kind of God would bring a miracle baby only to take it away? What in the world was God up to? Reframing the Prominence of Marriage in the Modern Family (Eph. 5:22-33) Chris Altrock, May 20, Sunday Morning Message