Over Our Heads: The Power of God (Rom. 1:16-17) Chris Altrock – July 30, 2017

Recently I was talking to one of Kendra’s cousins about her grandfather. He was an infamous figure in the family. His was one of the first funerals at which I officiated. And it remains one of the most difficult at which I officiated. He was one of those people about whom it was hard to find anything good to say.
This cousin was one of three siblings–two girls and a boy. She was telling me that the grandfather played favorites as they were growing up. When they’d visit the grandfather, he’d take their brother out to eat at a nice restaurant, and leave the two sisters at home to fend for themselves. He’d buy the brother special presents at a nice store, and leave the two sisters empty-handed. His favoritism was that blatant.
This morning we begin a series on a letter written by Paul called Romans. It is addressed to Christians living in the ancient city of Rome. Among a handful of other themes, Romans is all about favoritism.Over Our Heads: The Power of God (Rom. 1:16-17) Chris Altrock – July 30, 2017