Over Our Heads: Accept One Another (Rom. 15:7) Chris Altrock – Sept. 3, 2017
Last year at about this time of year I spoke at a retreat of church leaders up in the northeast. We were studying the gospel together. When I say “gospel” I mean what the Bible means–the story of Jesus and the significance of his birth, life, death, resurrection and return. This was core stuff we were plowing through together.
In the midst of our study, one of those church leaders stopped me and started debating my Bible translation. I was using the ESV. Others in our group had the NIV. But he had the KJV. In the midst of our study of the gospel, this church leader launched into an argument about why the Bible translations the rest of us were using were flawed and why the church must use the translation he was using. Everyone in the church, he demanded, must not only believe the gospel. Everyone must also read from the KJV.Over Our Heads: Accept One Another (Rom. 15:7) Chris Altrock – Sept. 3, 2017