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Living By the Prayer Jesus Died By: A Prayer of God’s Safety (Ps. 31:1-4)

I’m the proud owner of a new above-the-ground pool.  I’m also an obsessed safety-nut in that same pool.  A few weeks ago, Jordan and Jacob had friends over at our grand pool-opening.  And about the only word that came out of my mouth for the first thirty minutes of our inaugural swim was “No”: “No, don’t jump from the top of those stairs.  It’s not safe.”; “No, don’t try to float on that ball near the edge.  It’s not safe.”; “No, don’t try to get all three of you on the big yellow duck.  It’s not safe.”  I found myself suddenly obsessed with safety. Living By the Prayer Jesus Died By: A Prayer of God’s Safety (Ps. 31:1-4)