Follow: Take Heart (Mark 6) June 9, 2013 – Sunday Morning Message

“And when evening came…he was alone on the land (Mk. 6:47 ESV).” This is how Mark describes Jesus near the end of Chapter 6. It’s been a tough chapter. Jesus gave the sermon in his hometown and all anyone could do was criticize the preacher and his message. Can you imagine that? Jesus comes to Highland and preaches and all we can do is nitpick the sermon while we’re at lunch. That’s what happened at the beginning of this chapter. Then, Jesus’ cousin John the Baptist was arrested, imprisoned and executed. There are few people who were closer to Jesus than John. And now John is killed. Such injustice! And while trying to find a quiet spot for his road-weary apostles to rest, thousands of people crowd around Jesus, clamoring for help. It’s been a pretty tough chapter.Follow: Take Heart (Mark 6) June 9, 2013 – Sunday Morning Message