The Sermon on the Mount Prayer
Enable me to show favor to the poor in spirit who have no one but you in their corner, the mournful so weary of the wrong in the world, the meek and the missing out, and those… The Sermon on the Mount Prayer
Enable me to show favor to the poor in spirit who have no one but you in their corner, the mournful so weary of the wrong in the world, the meek and the missing out, and those… The Sermon on the Mount Prayer
At the end of 2008, the website connected to television’s “The Travel Channel” posted their list of the “Top 40 Travel Songs of All Time.”[1] A song by Billy Joel came in at #29. The song is called “Travelin’ Prayer.” In it, Billy Joel sings about a loved one who is travelling. And he prays that this loved one will have all she needs during her journey. Here is the first part of his melodic prayer: Hey Lord, take a look all around; And I’d a-find where my baby’s gonna be. Hey Lord, would ya look out for her tonight. ‘Cause she is far across the sea. Hey Lord, would ya look out for her tonight. And make sure that she’s gonna be alright. And things are gonna be alright with me. Hey Lord, would ya look out for her tonight. And make sure that all her dreams are sweet. Said now, would ya guide her along the roads. And make them softer for her feet. Hey Lord, would ya look out for her tonight. And make sure that she’s gonna be alright. Until she’s home and here with me. The song is about providence—divine provision during a journey. Billy Joel prays that God will provide sweet dreams and soft roads and that God will look out for his loved one during her travels. He prays that God will provide what’s needed for the journey. Some of us have probably prayed similar prayers for our loved one as he/she travelled. That common experience helped make Billy Joel’s “Travelin’ Prayer” one of the top 40 travel songs of all time.
Today is the 40th and final day in our prayer journey with Jesus. I Howard Marshall (“Jesus—Example and Teacher of Prayer in the Synoptic Gospels,” in Into God’s Presence: Prayer in the New Testament Edited… Day 40 of 40 Following the Prayer Steps of Jesus
Today is the 39th day of our journey through Jesus’ prayer steps. In Luke 11 we find Jesus’ followers intrigued by Jesus’ prayer life: 1Now Jesus was praying in a certain place, and when he… Day 39 of 40 Following the Prayer Steps of Jesus