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A Quiet Pause

A Place of Weakness

David often had moments in life when he came to a place of weakness.  A point of panic.  A time of terror.  An area of anxiety.  Goliath may be the most famous incarnation of one of those instances.  But there were others.  Many others.

A Quiet Pause

Refresh: Connecting with Christ Through Contemplative Prayer


Prayer as Active Asking

Several days ago the small group which my family and I attend discussed the prayer-life of Jesus.  After a lengthy conversation, several of us confessed our desire to spend more time in prayer—like Jesus.  But one group member spoke for more than just herself when she said, “But honestly, I don’t know what I would do if I spent more time in prayer.  I’m not sure what else I would say.  I’d run out of things to pray about.”  She and we wanted to spend more time in prayer.  But we were confused about how we’d actually spend that time.

Refresh: Connecting with Christ Through Contemplative Prayer