Prayer from Psalm 31: Your Hands
Today. Tomorrow. My family. My work. Friends. Finances. May they not be in my hands. My hands are apt to drop them. My hands are likely to misuse them. May they not be in the… Prayer from Psalm 31: Your Hands
Today. Tomorrow. My family. My work. Friends. Finances. May they not be in my hands. My hands are apt to drop them. My hands are likely to misuse them. May they not be in the… Prayer from Psalm 31: Your Hands
Do you sometimes feel like your prayer-life is in a rut? What causes this experience? For many of us, the rut comes when we do the same thing over and over. Many of us tend to… Formation Prayer
I was stumbling in the valley – now I’m standing on the mountaintop. I was diseased with distress – now I’m healed with happiness. I was marching to the grave – now I’m skipping with the living.… Prayer from Psalm 30: The Great Turnaround
God of glory and majesty, you thunder over the waters. Your voice strikes with flashes of lightning. You shake the ground. You quake my heart. But as the storm rolls past, peace blankets the land,… Prayer from Psalm 29: Storm Prayer