Prayer from Psalm 41: Sin Sick
I am sin sick Lord. The morning beckons me to wake. But shame binds me to my bed. My stomach is in knots. My iniquity makes me ill. Those who hate me love how low I’ve fallen.… Prayer from Psalm 41: Sin Sick
I am sin sick Lord. The morning beckons me to wake. But shame binds me to my bed. My stomach is in knots. My iniquity makes me ill. Those who hate me love how low I’ve fallen.… Prayer from Psalm 41: Sin Sick
Lord, I remember those dark days when I slipped into sin again and again. My iniquity was a mudpit from which I could not escape. Slimy and stuck, I cried out: “Help me!” And you did. You… Prayer from Psalm 40: Out of the Pit
I am ashamed, Lord. I have sinned, and you know it. I reel from your rebuke. I despair because of your discipline. But my hope is still in you, Lord. Save me from my sin.… Prayer from Psalm 39: Ashamed
Life with Fitness Women are sometimes mocked due to their concern each April and May for getting into “swim-suit” shape for the summer. But as a forty-something man, I can tell you that many of… From a Life with Prayer to a Life of Prayer