Prayer from Psalm 51: Sorry
O my God! I just sinned! I just made the worst mistake of my life! I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I would send a sacrifice to make up for this mess. But nothing I lay… Prayer from Psalm 51: Sorry
O my God! I just sinned! I just made the worst mistake of my life! I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I would send a sacrifice to make up for this mess. But nothing I lay… Prayer from Psalm 51: Sorry
Lord, your court is now in session. We are the defendants. You are the judge, prosecutor, and witness. You do not testify against us regarding our religion. We offer you the right sacrifices in the right way at… Prayer from Psalm 50: Judged
All are penniless in death. The CEO cannot take her golden parachute to the grave. The dictator cannot take his blood-money to the casket. The celebrity cannot bring her fame to the cemetery. All people are… Prayer from Psalm 49: Penniless in Death
Lord, wherever I am present, you are too. But you seem even more present in certain sacred spaces: …when I look over the city from the 15th floor, …as I walk the trail of leaves… Prayer from Psalm 48: Sacred Spaces