Prayer from Psalm 55:Fly to God
Things are too tense, O God. So stressful, O God! I want to escape. Sprint. Flee. I long to fly to a distant desert, some remote refuge. So, I will fly to you. I will cast my… Prayer from Psalm 55:Fly to God
Things are too tense, O God. So stressful, O God! I want to escape. Sprint. Flee. I long to fly to a distant desert, some remote refuge. So, I will fly to you. I will cast my… Prayer from Psalm 55:Fly to God
We begin a new series this morning called “Prayers from the Pit.” This series explores the prayers of Jesus. Not what Jesus taught about prayer. Not just the references to his practice of prayer. But his actual prayers. There are ten of these prayers.Prayers from the Pit: Praying Lament Like Jesus (Matt. 26)
“That evening at sundown they brought to him all who were sick or oppressed by demons. And the whole city was gathered together at the door. And he healed many who were sick with various… Next Big Thing: Day 1 (9/11)
I was in trouble, God. The trouble-makers were tearing me apart and taking me down. But then you became their trouble-maker. And now, I am trouble-free. [image]