In The Critical Journey Janet Hagberg and Robert Guelich write about the inevitability of suffering in our journey of life (13): We cannot escape most of the crisis in our lives, nor should we. In… Fertilizer
In The Critical Journey Janet Hagberg and Robert Guelich write about the inevitability of suffering in our journey of life (13): We cannot escape most of the crisis in our lives, nor should we. In… Fertilizer
Frederick Buechner, in A Crazy, Holy Grace: The Healing Power of Pain and Memory, writes about stewarding pain: I told this story to a group in Texas once, and afterward the retreat leader came up… Stewarding Pain
Crying Out
In October 2017, the day after what was then the worst mass shooting in America, Bishop Joseph Pepe of Las Vegas hosted a prayer service to mourn the 59 dead, to pray for the more than 500 injured. More than 800 people attended.[1]
When we are crushed by affliction, we instinctively cry out to the Almighty. We often do not know what else to do. Unable to make sense of what’s happened on earth, we reach out to heaven.God’s Common Cure for Pain (Esther 9) Chris Altrock – Oct. 15, 2017
For those who may be suffering today and for those who love those who are suffering today, I’ve collected a number of previous posts below which provide perspective, help and hope in the midst of… Help for the Hurting: Posts for Those Suffering (And Those Who Love Them)