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Go: Memphis Chris Altrock & David Jordan November 11, 2018

This entry is part [part not set] of 4 in the series Go


Wednesday night saw another mass shooting in our nation. Twelve people were killed at the Borderline Bar and Grill in Thousand Oaks, CA. This followed the shooting at the Tree of Life synagogue on Oct. 27 when 11 were killed in an attack fueled by anti semitism.  That was followed by Lion Air’s tragic crash of an airliner into the Java Sea shortly after take off, resulting in the loss of all 189 passengers. These have been difficult days.Go: Memphis Chris Altrock & David Jordan November 11, 2018

Go: Encircled (Acts 18:1-11 ) Chris Altrock & Lawana Maxwell – 4/19/15

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Tyler Edwards is the author of a book called Zombie Church. He warns that too many churches are like zombies – undead; not truly alive; consuming everything and contributing nothing. The cure for zombie churches, he proposes, is love. You’ve got to restart the heart.

At one point he realized his own church was a zombie church. It was contributing nothing to the people and neighborhoods around it. It needed to restart its heart. It needed to rediscover how to love those nearby. Edwards wrote this helpful line:Go: Encircled (Acts 18:1-11 ) Chris Altrock & Lawana Maxwell – 4/19/15