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Living in a World Without God (Esther 1-2) Chris Altrock – May 22, 2016

20160522- WHen God Hides Sermon Series

That Kind of Relationship

Several  years ago a movie focused on professional athletes and their agents. The movie was called Jerry Maguire.[1] Most athletes and agents portrayed in the movie had relationships we would characterize as “professional.” They were cool and distant. But at the end of the movie Jerry Maguire and his one client, a professional football player, had endured so much in a shared journey that their relationship was something we might call “unprofessional.” They were more like family. In a closing scene, in front of a mob of reporters, they hugged tightly.

Another athlete, standing nearby with his agent, saw this intimacy. He turned to his agent and asked, “Why don’t we have that kind of relationship?Living in a World Without God (Esther 1-2) Chris Altrock – May 22, 2016