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Scary Stories From Sunday School: God’s Punishment Seems Too Excessive (Gen. 6) September 29, 2013 – Sunday Morning Message

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In 2004 the movie “The Day After Tomorrow” predicted dire consequences that would devastate our planet because of climate change. One of the movie posters showed an image of New York City being submerged by a rising ocean.  Millions of people are trapped in a watery grave. It’s a frightening image.
In 2012 the movie “2012” explored how the world might end if ancient Mayan calendars, supposedly predicting the end of the world in 2012, turned out to be accurate. One of the movie posters showed the scene of a flood so epic that the water slid over the top of the Himalaya Mountains. It’s a horrifying image.
But we don’t need Hollywood to generate our fear floods. We’ve witnessed events just as horrifying in real life. In 2004 the Indian Ocean Tsunami slammed into cities and villages near the Indian Ocean. The water killed 230,000 people in 14 countries. Waves nearly 100 feet high hit coastal communities.
Then in 2011 the Tohoku Earthquake and Tsunami pummeled Japan. Waves reached heights of over 100 feet and travelled as far as 6 miles inland. More than 16,000 people died in the disaster.
The emotions and feelings we experience as we witness these scenes and remember these calamities are the same ones we should experience as we read the biblical account of the Flood recorded in Genesis. Scary Stories From Sunday School: God’s Punishment Seems Too Excessive (Gen. 6) September 29, 2013 – Sunday Morning Message