Winners & Losers: Finished (Rev. 16:17) Chris Altrock – Aug. 28, 2016

Endless Tasks
The ancient Greeks had a legend about a king named Sisyphus. Sisyphus was the king of Corinth. He was a bit of a troublemaker–so much so that he got on the wrong side of the gods. As a result, in the afterlife, he was assigned a troublesome task. Sisyphus was forced to roll a giant boulder up a mountain. But just before he got to the top, an evil force would cause the boulder to slip from his grasp and tumble to the bottom. Sisyphus would have to go to the bottom and roll the boulder the top again. Where, once again, the boulder would slip and roll to the bottom. Sisyphus was condemned to repeat this unending task forever.
Ever since, certain tasks have come to be known as Sisyphean–they are unending in nature. In our staff meeting last week we shared some of the Sisyphean tasks of ministry. Winners & Losers: Finished (Rev. 16:17) Chris Altrock – Aug. 28, 2016