God the Romantic
How did the power of the weak cross work? For centuries there have been at least three classic answers to that question. The cross has been seen as having a power that impacts three… God the Romantic
How did the power of the weak cross work? For centuries there have been at least three classic answers to that question. The cross has been seen as having a power that impacts three… God the Romantic
Several weeks ago I was rudely awakened very early on a Monday morning. My alarm wasn’t to blame. My kids weren’t to blame. My pets weren’t to blame. My stomach was to blame. It wanted to turn inside out and wasn’t going to take “no” for an answer. I believed that I had come down with a stomach bug. And it would run its course. No need to call a doctor. So I stayed home from work.The Truth About Life: God is a Party (Theology) Chris Altrock May 25, 2014
During my 30 day sabbatical, I was re-introduced to the Trinity. Sure, I had studied the Trinity in Systematic Theology at Harding School of Theology. I had read debate after debate about the exact… 7 Things I Learned in 30 Days of Silence: #4 We Need the Forgotten Gods
9 And it is my prayer that your love may abound more and more, with knowledge and all discernment, 10 so that you may approve what is excellent, and so be pure and blameless… God’s Letters from Philippi #4