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Slice: Making Jesus The Light of Your Life (Jn. 8:12; 9:5) Chris Altrock, March 4

On Sunday morning’s we are exploring seven statements from Jesus, about Jesus which are recorded in John’s Gospel.  They all begin with the words “I am.”  We call them the “I Am” statements.  The series is called “Slice” because we so often just want a slice of Jesus with the rest of our life.  But in these “I Am” statements, Jesus shows us what it would be like to have all of Jesus; to let Jesus truly be our life.  This morning’s “I am” statement comes from John 8 and John 9.  Jesus claims to be “the light of the world.”  What does this mean?  What kind of light is Jesus?  What does his light enable us to see?Slice: Making Jesus The Light of Your Life (Jn. 8:12; 9:5) Chris Altrock, March 4