The True You: The King (Gen 49:10, 2 Sam 7:12-13 & Matt. 6:33) Chris Altrock – 6/3/18

I turned 50 in March of this year. I received the requisite birthday cards from family and friends making wisecracks about my age. And, unfortunately, I also received the requisite order from my doctor to get a colonoscopy.
The morning of that appointment Kendra and I drove to the office on Wolf River boulevard. After a short time in the waiting room, I was called to the procedure room. There an attendant asked me to sit down while she asked at least fifty health questions. I had already answered at least fifty questions on an online questionnaire before the appointment. But either I’d failed that questionaire or they were just really, really interested in my health.
When the attendant was done with her list of questions, she took out a form for me to sign. By signing the form, she said, I was making a commitment to several things. One of those commitments was put in these words:
“I will make no life-changing decisions today.”
Because I’d be going under anesthesia, and anesthesia can affect people in significant ways, they didn’t want any of their patients making life-changing decisions.The True You: The King (Gen 49:10, 2 Sam 7:12-13 & Matt. 6:33) Chris Altrock – 6/3/18