What No Sadness Can Endure
In his prayer “Our Need for Thee” St. Francis writes this: “What sadness in this world could endure if it looked in your eyes?” What sadness do you feel today? -Sadness over lost love? -Sadness… What No Sadness Can Endure
In his prayer “Our Need for Thee” St. Francis writes this: “What sadness in this world could endure if it looked in your eyes?” What sadness do you feel today? -Sadness over lost love? -Sadness… What No Sadness Can Endure
When he was 29, Rembrandt painted a scene from the first book of the Bible. It was the same year his first son was born. And the same year that same son died. Perhaps… Binding Your Isaac, Finding Your Lamb
In this series we’re exploring how the six-chapter Jesus Story (manger/incarnation, cross/crucifixion, tomb/resurrection, ascension, Pentecost and Parousia) become the means for living into our two-fold mission of loving God and loving others. The Jesus… The Cross as Model for Mission
There is a character in one of my favorite movies who possesses a keen sense of identity. In “The Princess Bride,” Inigo Montoya is a tortured man bent on avenging the murder of his… Hello, My Name Is…Identity, Suffering and the Cross (30 Days of Mostly Silence-Day 24)