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Good Friday’s Passion: Following a Figure Who Finished (Jn. 19:28-30)

High school graduation day is fast-approaching.  I graduated from high school twenty-three years ago.  But I still remember my graduation ceremony.  There were six of us who went from kindergarten through twelfth grade together.  On graduation night our parents lined up the six of us and took our photo.  I remember marching into our school gym with the other twenty-five seniors.  I remember listening to Melissa Smith give the Valedictorian speech and silently “booing” her because her GPA had beaten mine by one-tenth of a grade point.  I remember walking across the stage and shaking the hand of Mr. Lane, our superintendent.  And, I remember all twenty-six of us throwing our graduation caps into the air.  Do you remember your graduate day?  Let’s do a little poll: how many of you graduated from high school between 1 and 10 years ago—raise your hand?  Between 11 and 20 years?  Between 21 and 30 years?   Between 31 and 40 years?   Between 41 and 50 years?  Now, raise your hand if you’ll be graduating from high school in a few short months.  No matter how good or bad your high school experience was or is, graduation is an exciting day.  And there is an ancient Greek word which, if we spoke Greek in Memphis, we might use on graduation day.  The word is “tetelestai.”  The word means “It is finished” or simply “finished.”  Say the word out loud: tetelestai.  It’s the word you might shout when you take your graduation cap off and toss it into the air: Tetelestai!  It is finished!

Good Friday’s Passion: Following a Figure Who Finished (Jn. 19:28-30)

Easter Sunday’s Passion: Following a Man on a Mission (Lk. 24:13-49)

Easter Prayer

On Easter Sunday, God, you delivered life where there was once only death.

You sparked renewal where there was once only decay.

You authored a beginning where there was once only an end.


Today, God, our world still suffers death—AIDs stealing lives in Africa, extremists ending lives in Afghanistan, poverty killing infants in Memphis. 

Today, God, our world still suffers from decay—a planet feverish from pollution, immorality legislated in our governments, our own economy wobbling.

Today, God, our world still suffers from endings—marriages coming to an end, health coming to an end, dreams coming to an end.


Nevertheless, we still believe.  Especially on this Easter Sunday, we believe.


We believe you will once again deliver life where there is death.

You will spark renewal where there is decay.

You will author a beginning where we only see the end.


We confess our belief in you, the God of Easter.


In the name of the one whom you raised, your son Jesus, we pray.  Amen.

Easter Sunday’s Passion: Following a Man on a Mission (Lk. 24:13-49)

Thursday’s Passion: Following a Servant with Dirty Feet (Jn. 13:1-38)

Take a look at the man in this photo.  Can you tell me who this is?  His name is Steve Jobs.  Can you tell me who he works for?  He works for Apple.  Jobs is the CEO of Apple, Inc.  Apple is one those companies that has a widely recognized figurehead.  In a book called Branding Faith author Phil Cooke writes about these kinds of organizations.  Cooke calls them “personality driven.” That’s not a criticism.  It is merely a description of groups whose existence and health are directly tied to a person, to a personality.  Cooke writes that being a personality driven group is good and bad.  For example, the direct link between Apple, Inc. and Steve Jobs is good.  Jobs gives the company a personal face.  He gives the company an appealing image.  But, when Jobs’ health recently started failing, so did stock in Apple.  The fate of Apple Inc. is wrapped up in this one man.

Thursday’s Passion: Following a Servant with Dirty Feet (Jn. 13:1-38)