The Truth About the Wise Men
New Testament scholar moves us beyond the myths and traditions about the wise men associated with the birth of Jesus in this post: 1) We do not know how many persons were involved. We are… The Truth About the Wise Men
New Testament scholar moves us beyond the myths and traditions about the wise men associated with the birth of Jesus in this post: 1) We do not know how many persons were involved. We are… The Truth About the Wise Men
Our staff recently wrote our faith stories/ conversion stories in 140 characters (the limit for Twitter). Here’s the faith story of Michelle Betts, one of our Children’s Ministers: With much frustration and constant anxiety I tried to… Tweetimonies: Michelle Betts
Last Sunday, Nov. 29, was the first Sunday of Advent. Scot McKnight provides this helpful summary of Advent:
Advent is a season of waiting, expecting, and hoping. Beginning four Sundays prior to Christmas and ending on Christmas Eve, Advent helps us to prepare for the coming, or “advent” of the Christ child at Christmas. (The word “advent” comes from the Latin word that means “coming.”)