Fearless: Risen (Matt. 28:1-20 Chris Altrock – April 16, 2017

As the conclusion to our series called “Fearless,” a series that has taken us all the way through the gospel of Matthew, we are focusing on Matthew’s account of Jesus’ resurrection. It is found in Matt. 28. Please turn to that text in your Bible.
Many writers in the New Testament tell us about Jesus’ resurrection. What Matthew tells us about it is surprising. He reveals this: Jesus’ resurrection is intended to impact our life before death not just after death. Other writers in the New Testament will talk of how Jesus’ resurrection impacts our life after death, how, since Jesus was raised, we too will be raised, how, since Jesus defeated death, we too can defeat death. But that’s not what interests Matthew. And since we’ve been listening to Matthew since last December, we’ll let Matthew tell us what’s important about the resurrection. And according to Matthew, the resurrection impacts our life before we die not just after we die.Fearless: Risen (Matt. 28:1-20 Chris Altrock – April 16, 2017