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Christmas Presence: He’s Coming (Jer. 33:14-16; 1 Thess. 3:9-13) Chris Altrock and Frank Bolling – December 9, 2012 – Sunday Morning Message

This morning we kick off a new series called “Christmas Presence.”  This morning I’m joined by Highland’s preaching apprentice Frank Bolling.  Let’s pray and then Frank and I will share the message with you…


Frank Bolling

Christmas was only a few days away, when the unthinkable happened. Their house burned down. (Show picture of House Fire)  Everything in it lost, destroyed by the fire and smoke. I wonder what Amanda Thomas and her 2 little children thought as they looked on at the scene with fire fighters trying desperately to put out the flames that consumed their life right before their eyes. Fear, loss, hopelessness. Officer Priest, one of the officers at the scene, came up to Amanda after the incident and said, “Don’t worry about Christmas. We’ll take care of Christmas. I promise you that.” I have heard promises before that weren’t kept, promises that seemed too good to be true. I wonder what she thought. No one keeps promises like that. This is hopeless. But I wonder what she thought only three days later when a patrol car brought them to their new rent house, freshly painted, prepped and furnished. The officers also presented her with gift cards, renter’s insurance, and a check for $10,000. An unbelievable gift to which Amanda Thomas’s reaction was “it’s more than I could ever ask for.” A promise fulfilled!Christmas Presence: He’s Coming (Jer. 33:14-16; 1 Thess. 3:9-13) Chris Altrock and Frank Bolling – December 9, 2012 – Sunday Morning Message