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How the Holy Spirit Continues Jesus’ Story

Several days ago my family and I were driving to Clearwater, Florida.  Clearwater is a coastal town west of Tampa, Florida.  To get there we had to drive across a long and narrow road and bridge that spanned the bay between Tampa and Clearwater.  Driving on that causeway, we got within 10 miles of Clearwater.  We couldn’t wait until we got to there.  We had been anticipating the beach all day long.  But suddenly our journey stopped.  Traffic came to a dead halt.  Eventually we could see why.  Miles in front of us was a wreck-a fender bender.  We couldn’t exit because on either side of the road was the bay.  And the longer we sat in traffic, just miles from the end of our journey, the more we groaned for someone to do something to make it possible for our us to move forward.How the Holy Spirit Continues Jesus’ Story

The Gospel Truth About the Holy Spirit

There is an award-winning sculpture at Abilene Christian University called “Jacob’s Ladder.”  The sculpture is inspired by a story in Gen. 28.  It features a bronze ladder reaching up to heaven.  The ladder holds four angels.  As the angels get closer to earth, they appear to increase in age, signifying the corruption of earth.  Each angel is eight feet tall.  The ladder is accompanied by large blocks of stone on which are carved Scriptures.  The stones are arranged at different angles.  Depending upon where you stand, you see different Scriptures.  Thus, if you want to see all the Scriptures, you have to stand in different places. The Gospel Truth About the Holy Spirit