Warmer: The Warmth of One (Acts 16) Chris Altrock – 2/11/18
The Fire of a Flock
What brings you comfort? What makes you happy?
For a woman named Ventiko, it’s a peacock.
That’s right, a peacock.[1]
Perhaps you caught Ventiko’s story a few weeks ago. She is a photographer and performance artist in New York. She recently tried to board a flight in Newark with her peacock Dexter, claiming that the peacock was her emotional-support animal. She bought Dexter a ticket. She paid money for the peacock to sit next to her on the flight–because it’s her comfort animal. He makes her happy when she’s sad. He brings her comfort when she’s anxious.Warmer: The Warmth of One (Acts 16) Chris Altrock – 2/11/18